Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Corn fireplace insert.... heat and good for the ozone layer (we should treat him nice)

Kingdom of Loathing - A good time. Everybody should get an account. www.kingdomofloathing.com

To die for someone, it shows a great deal of courage and compassion. But all of us would die for someone in an instant if we knew we would comeback to life. Jesus died for our sins....so what he knew he was going to rise from the dead, what's the big deal? We say Jesus died for our sins...but we should say Jesus suffered for our sins. He was tortured.... a lot. He felt so much pain. If you ask someone "If you had to die by drowning or a gunshot which would you choose?" Most everybody would say gunshot because it's instant and it's over. Jesus cried and asked God if there was a way out of this. Jesus....was "scared." It shows how much God loved us.